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Discover the Investment Opportunity

Explore the details of our fundraising and join us in this innovative journey

Funding Presentation:

Our Goal: €10 Million to Realize Our Vision

AI Robotics is embarking on an exciting journey, and our goal is clear: to raise €10 million to propel our vision of service robotics to new heights. These funds are essential to finance our growth, invest in research and development, expand our global presence, and strengthen our infrastructure. They will also enable us to seize unique opportunities in the rapidly growing field of service robotics.

Why We Are Raising Funds: In-Depth Explanation

AI Robotics is embarking on an ambitious project to raise €10 million in funds, and you may be wondering about the deeper motivations behind this decision. Beyond the sum at stake, this fundraising effort carries a much broader and strategic significance.

1. Financing Growth: AI Robotics is experiencing rapid growth, and to support this expansion, we need substantial financial resources. The funds raised will fuel this growth and support our international expansion projects. They will enable us to strengthen our teams, open new production centers, and accelerate our presence in key markets.

2. Investing in Research and Development: One of our core strengths is our ongoing commitment to innovation. We allocate a significant portion of these funds to research and development to create cutting-edge robotic solutions. These investments allow us to explore new technologies, improve our existing products, and remain at the forefront of the industry.

3. Seizing Market Opportunities: The service robotics sector is booming, with unprecedented opportunities. These funds provide us with the flexibility to quickly seize these opportunities. We will be able to respond to market trends, develop new products based on customer needs, and continue to innovate.

4. Ensuring Cash Flow Management: A rapidly growing company requires rigorous cash flow management. These funds will provide us with financial flexibility to effectively manage our expenses, pay our suppliers, and invest in strategic projects without interruption.

5. Strengthening our Infrastructure: The fundraising effort will allow us to strengthen our internal structure by recruiting new talent, developing our in-house capabilities, and adopting best management practices. This will help us sustain long-term growth.

Opportunities and Benefits of Investment

Investing in AI Robotics represents a unique opportunity to be part of a rapidly growing company at the heart of the service robotics technological revolution. Here are the opportunities and benefits you can derive from this promising investment in detail:

1. Exceptional Growth Potential: AI Robotics is positioned for remarkable growth. With our advanced robotic solutions, we are well-positioned to meet the increasing demand in the global service robotics market. Your investment could see significant growth as the company continues to thrive.

2. Portfolio Diversification: Investing in innovative technology companies like AI Robotics can diversify your investment portfolio. It offers a unique investment opportunity in a booming sector that is gaining increasing importance.

3. Contribution to Future Technology: By investing in AI Robotics, you are contributing to shaping the future of service robotics. Our solutions bring tangible benefits across various industries, from food service to healthcare to logistics. Your investment supports the development of innovative technologies that will transform these industries.

4. Access to Potential Dividends: Investors will have access to dividends based on the company’s performance and their ownership percentage. This means your investment can generate a stable annual income in addition to the potential value appreciation of the shares.

5. Personalized Support: AI Robotics takes investor support seriously. You will benefit from personalized guidance and answers to all your questions. Our team is here to help you make the most of your investment.

Investing in AI Robotics means embracing a vision for the future, seizing exceptional growth opportunities, and contributing to a major technological transformation.

Project Description:

Our Vision: Revolutionizing Service Robotics

At AI Robotics, our vision goes far beyond simply creating robots. We aspire to revolutionize how service robotics impacts various sectors, from food service to logistics to healthcare. Our vision is rooted in our commitment to provide advanced robotic solutions that transform the way the world works.

Robotics in the Service of Humanity: Our vision is based on the belief that technology, especially robotics, can be a powerful asset for humanity. We believe that service robots can relieve workers, improve operational efficiency, and provide exceptional customer experiences.

Innovating to Address Emerging Needs: Innovation is at the core of our vision. We are committed to staying at the forefront of technology by constantly developing new features, advanced perception capabilities, and more natural human-robot interactions. Our goal is to create intelligent robots that adapt to the changing needs of our customers.

Positioning France as a Leader: We are proud of our French heritage and aspire to position France as a global leader in service robotics. We strive to promote French technological excellence on the international stage.

An Automated and Connected Future: Our vision encompasses a future where service robots are ubiquitous, working hand in hand with humans to simplify daily tasks and improve the quality of life. We envision a world where robots seamlessly interact with connected infrastructures, creating an intelligent and responsive ecosystem.

Moving Together towards an Innovative Future: We invite investors to join us in this quest to shape the future of service robotics. Your support is essential to realize our vision and turn these ideas into reality. At AI Robotics, we are committed to tackling the challenges of tomorrow and creating a future where technology genuinely enhances our lives.

By investing in AI Robotics, you participate in realizing our vision while benefiting from exceptional growth opportunities.

Discover How We Will Use the Funds

We understand the importance of transparency when it comes to fundraising. At AI Robotics, we want our investors to have a clear understanding of how we will use the funds we collect. Here is how we plan to allocate the €10 million we are seeking to raise:

1. Advanced Research and Development: A significant portion of these funds will be dedicated to research and development. We are committed to continuous innovation to enhance our existing robots and create new solutions. These investments will keep us at the forefront of service robotics technology.

2. Geographical Expansion: We have identified key markets, including Morocco, Saudi Arabia, and the United States, where we aim to strengthen our presence. These funds will be used to establish production hubs in these regions, better serving our local customers and meeting the growing demand.

3. International Marketing Campaigns: To increase our global visibility, we will invest in international marketing campaigns. This will include promoting our robots and solutions to potential customers, strategic partners, and key sectors.

4. Strategic Acquisitions: As part of our growth strategy, we are considering targeted acquisitions to enhance our expertise and expand our product portfolio. These acquisitions will allow us to diversify our offering and explore new business opportunities.

5. Enhanced Production Infrastructure: We will invest in improving our production infrastructure to meet the increasing demand for our robots. This will enable us to maintain high quality while increasing our production capacity.

6. Cash Flow Management: A portion of the funds will be reserved for cash flow management, ensuring the financial stability of the company. This measure ensures that we can operate efficiently and continue to meet our customers’ needs.

7. Seizing Opportunities: Finally, these funds will allow us to quickly seize emerging opportunities in the field of service robotics. We will remain flexible to adapt to market developments and changing customer needs.

We firmly believe that these strategic investments will help us realize our vision and continue our mission to revolutionize service robotics.

The Expected Impact: Becoming a Global Leader

At AI Robotics, our vision is bold: we aspire to become a global leader in the field of service robotics. This ambition is built on a series of strong pillars that reflect our determination to shape the future of this rapidly growing sector. Here’s how we envision achieving this goal:

1. Continuous Innovation: We are committed to maintaining our leadership through constant innovation. The funds we collect will be invested in research and development of new features, advanced technologies, and cutting-edge solutions. This will keep us at the forefront of robotic innovation.

2. Strategic Geographical Expansion: Our geographical expansion strategy is designed to strengthen our presence in key markets. By establishing production hubs in Morocco, Saudi Arabia, and the United States, we get closer to our customers and partners, fostering the growth of our global influence.

3. International Collaboration: We believe in the power of international collaboration. We actively seek to establish partnerships with other industry players, universities, and research centers worldwide. These collaborations promote the exchange of ideas, drive innovation, and broaden our global reach.

4. Training and Education: One of our goals is to help train the next generation of robotics experts. We will invest in training and educational programs to encourage understanding and adoption of service robotics. This will contribute to building a skilled workforce and supporting our future leadership.

5. Customer Satisfaction: Our success depends on customer satisfaction. We will continue to provide exceptional customer service and work closely with our customers to meet their specific needs. Satisfied customers are essential to our global reputation.

6. Core Values: We will remain true to our core values of quality, innovation, integrity, and sustainability. These values guide our daily actions and strengthen our reputation as a trusted global company.

Investment Benefits:

Why Invest in AI Robotics?

Investing in AI Robotics is a unique opportunity to participate in the rapid growth of the service robotics industry while potentially realizing an attractive financial return. Here are some compelling reasons why you should consider becoming an investor:

1. Exceptional Growth Potential: The service robotics industry is experiencing explosive growth, driven by the increasing demand for automated solutions in various sectors such as hospitality, healthcare, logistics, and more. By investing in AI Robotics, you position yourself in a market with significant growth potential.

2. Ongoing Technological Innovation: Our commitment to technological innovation is at the core of our business. Your investments will support the continuous development of our robots and solutions. You will be associated with technological advancements that continually push the boundaries of robotics.

3. Positive Impact: By supporting AI Robotics, you contribute to promoting the adoption of advanced robotic solutions. Our robots are designed to enhance productivity, service quality, and safety in various sectors while reducing costs. Your investment helps transform these industries for the better.

4. Portfolio Diversification: Investing in AI Robotics can add a diversification dimension to your portfolio. By balancing your portfolio with investments in growing companies, you potentially reduce the risks associated with market volatility.

5. Exclusive Benefits: As an investor, you can enjoy exclusive benefits, including dividends based on the company’s performance and equity participation. You will also have the opportunity to use our state-of-the-art service robots in your own business.

6. Experienced Team: Our leadership team consists of industry experts with extensive experience in robotics and technology. You can have confidence in our ability to effectively manage the financial resources we collect.

7. Long-Term Vision: AI Robotics has a long-term vision to become a global leader in service robotics. By investing, you join this ambitious vision and contribute to shaping the future of the industry.

The Benefits of Becoming a Shareholder

Becoming a shareholder of AI Robotics comes with numerous advantages that make your investment an exceptional opportunity:

1. Potential for Share Price Growth: As a shareholder, you share in the potential growth of our company. If our business thrives, the value of your shares may increase, potentially providing an attractive financial return.

2. Annual Dividends: Depending on the company’s financial results, you may receive annual dividends. This allows you to reap the rewards of your investment in the form of passive income.

3. Participation in Decision-Making: As a shareholder, you have the right to participate in the company’s annual general meetings. You can voice your opinions and vote on key issues that influence the direction of the company.

4. Access to Exclusive Benefits: Depending on your level of investment, you may have access to exclusive benefits such as discounts on our products and services, private demonstrations of our robots, or even the opportunity to test our solutions in your business.

5. Portfolio Diversification: Investing in AI Robotics offers you the opportunity to diversify your portfolio. You can spread your investments across different asset classes to reduce financial risks.

6. Contribution to Innovation: As a shareholder, you play an active role in supporting technological innovation. Your investment contributes to the development of advanced robotic solutions that push the boundaries of technology.

7. Alignment of Interests: As a shareholder, your interests align with those of the company. You share the same growth and success objectives, strengthening your commitment to our mission.

8. Industry Involvement: Becoming a shareholder of AI Robotics means you are involved in the rapidly growing industry of service robotics. You are part of the future of this industry and can contribute to shaping its development.

9. Access to Insider Information: As a shareholder, you have access to insider information about the company’s performance and future projects. You are among the first to be informed of significant developments.

10. Satisfaction of Supporting a Vision: By investing in AI Robotics, you support our vision of revolutionizing service robotics and bringing advanced automated solutions to various sectors. It’s a rewarding opportunity to contribute to positive change.

Becoming a shareholder in AI Robotics is not just about owning shares; it’s also an opportunity to actively participate in our success and enjoy numerous benefits throughout your investment journey.

A Profitable Future with Dividends

By investing in AI Robotics, you have the opportunity to build a profitable future and reap the rewards of your ongoing support. Our company is committed to rewarding our shareholders with attractive dividends that reflect our continued success and growth.

A Source of Passive Income: Dividends are a source of passive income that can contribute to your financial security. As a shareholder, you have the potential to receive regular payments, typically on an annual basis, based on the company’s profits.

Participation in Profits: Dividends are directly tied to AI Robotics’ financial performance. The more our company thrives, the more likely the dividends you receive will increase, resulting in an attractive financial return on your initial investment.

Portfolio Diversification: Investing in AI Robotics shares can contribute to diversifying your financial portfolio. By adding shares of a growing company like ours, you balance your portfolio and reduce potential financial risks.

Long-Term Commitment: Dividends provide a powerful incentive for long-term commitment. By investing in our company, you demonstrate your confidence in our vision and our ability to generate sustainable results.

Alignment of Interests: When you become a shareholder, your interests are aligned with those of the company. You directly benefit from our success, strengthening our long-term partnership.

Prudent Investment: Dividends can be a way to make a prudent investment. Rather than speculating on the future value of the stock, you can enjoy stable returns through regular dividends.

Possible Reinvestment: You have the flexibility to choose what to do with your dividends. You can reinvest them to purchase more AI Robotics shares, thereby increasing your ownership in the company.

Support for Growth: Your investment directly contributes to supporting the growth and expansion of AI Robotics. The dividends you receive are the result of our collective success.

Key Figures :

The Outlook for Robotics in 2030

In 2030, the robotics landscape will experience a radical transformation, and AI Robotics will be at the forefront of this revolution. Rapid technological advancements, combined with our commitment to innovation, position our company to play a key role in the future of robotics.

Exponential Growth: By 2030, the global robotics market is expected to experience exponential growth. Robots will become an integral part of our lives, whether in logistics, healthcare, catering, industry, or domestic services.

Smart and Versatile Solutions: AI Robotics’ robots will evolve to become even smarter and more versatile. Equipped with advanced AI, improved vision capabilities, and seamless human-machine interactions, our robots will become essential partners in various fields.

The Mobility Revolution: In 2030, mobility will be revolutionized by autonomous robots. Our service robots, such as Ugo, Stellar, Robby, and Foxee, will play a vital role in delivery, mobility assistance, and logistics, thereby creating smarter and more efficient cities.

The Evolution of Work: Service robotics will contribute to transforming the nature of work. Collaborative robots will work in tandem with humans, increasing efficiency and enabling workers to focus on higher-value tasks.

Global Accessibility: AI Robotics is committed to making robotics more accessible worldwide. By 2030, our robots will be deployed in many countries, contributing to improved services, productivity, and quality of life on an international scale.

Supporting Global Issues: Our company will actively participate in addressing global challenges such as healthcare, the environment, and logistics by providing innovative robotic solutions that meet the changing needs of society.

Investor Confidence: By investing in AI Robotics, you have the opportunity to be part of this thriving robotic revolution. Your support will help shape the future of robotics and realize our shared vision.

AI Robotics is ready to embrace these exciting prospects for robotics in 2030, and we invite you to be a part of this journey.

AI Robotics in Numbers: Anticipated Growth

At AI Robotics, we firmly believe in our ability to achieve our bold vision. The figures below illustrate our expected growth trajectory and our future impact on the robotics industry:
+141% Anticipated Annual Growth: We anticipate an annual growth of over 141% in the coming years. This upward trajectory is fueled by the increasing demand for our robots in various sectors.
€141 Million in Revenue by 2025: Our goal is to achieve a revenue of €141 million by 2025. This demonstrates our commitment to becoming a major player in the service robotics market.
Presence in 4 Countries: Currently, we are established in 2 countries, but we plan to expand our presence to 4 countries, including Morocco, Saudi Arabia, and the United States, to better serve our international customers.
+3000 Robots in Service: We currently have over 3000 service robots in operation, with a growing number of satisfied customers benefiting from our innovative solutions.
+50 Dedicated Team Members: Our dedicated team currently comprises more than 50 members, including engineers, robotics experts, and industry professionals, all working together to advance robotics.
100% Customer Satisfaction: Customer satisfaction is our top priority. We are committed to maintaining a 100% satisfaction rate by providing top-quality solutions and exceptional support.
+5 Application Sectors: Our robots are used in over 5 different sectors, from catering to logistics to healthcare, demonstrating their versatility and adaptability.
These figures reflect our commitment to becoming a leader in service robotics, our impressive growth trajectory, and our ability to meet the evolving needs of the industry.

An Expanding Market: Convincing Statistics

The robotics market is booming, and the statistics clearly demonstrate the growth potential for AI Robotics. Here are some convincing figures that illustrate the rapid expansion of this market:

+ 15% Annual Growth: According to forecasts, the global robotics market is expected to experience an average annual growth of over 15%. This upward trajectory highlights the increasing demand for innovative robotic solutions.

+ $135 Billion by 2025: By 2025, the robotics market is projected to reach an estimated value of over $135 billion. This opens up vast opportunities for innovative companies like AI Robotics.

Expanding Automation: Automation has become a key element in various sectors, from manufacturing to logistics to healthcare. Companies are looking to improve their operational efficiency, driving the demand for robotic solutions.

Diverse Sectors: Robotics is no longer limited to a single sector. It now extends to healthcare, hospitality, restaurants, logistics, industry, and many other fields. AI Robotics is ideally positioned to meet the varied needs of these sectors.

High Customer Satisfaction: Businesses that have already adopted robotic solutions have reported a significant improvement in their operational efficiency, service quality, and profitability. Customer satisfaction remains high.

Contribution to Economic Growth: The expansion of the robotics sector is not limited to businesses. It also has a positive impact on the economy by creating jobs, stimulating research, and fostering innovation.

These statistics speak to the immense potential of the robotics market and AI Robotics’ privileged position to capitalize on this opportunity.

International Opportunities:

International Deployment: Our Strategy

At AI Robotics, we have a global vision for the future of service robotics. Our international deployment strategy is a critical component of our growth and increasing influence in the market. Here’s how we plan to conquer the world:

Strategically Positioned Production Hubs: To efficiently meet international demand, we plan to establish several key production hubs, including locations in Morocco, Saudi Arabia, and the United States. This approach will help us reduce logistics costs, expedite delivery, and provide top-quality service to our customers worldwide.

Positioning France as a Global Leader: We have the bold ambition to position France as a global leader in service robotics. By strengthening our national presence, we contribute to creating an environment conducive to innovation and the adoption of robotic technologies.

Strategic Global Partnerships: Our network of strategic partnerships with companies and organizations around the world enhances our position on the international stage. These alliances allow us to access new markets, collaborate on research and development, and expand our global reach.

Targeted International Marketing Campaigns: We plan to launch targeted marketing campaigns in various countries, showcasing our robots and their benefits in specific languages and cultural contexts. This ensures effective communication with our international audiences.

Local Support and Customer Service: We don’t just sell our robots abroad. We also provide high-quality local support with dedicated teams for maintenance, assistance, and training. We want our customers to feel supported wherever they are in the world.

Flexibility and Adaptability: Our international deployment strategy is built on flexibility and adaptability. We are ready to adjust our approach based on the specific needs of each market, ensuring lasting success.

By combining these elements, AI Robotics is committed to making a significant global impact in the field of service robotics. Our international deployment strategy is the foundation of our ambition to become a global leader, and we look forward to continuing this journey with our investors.

Exploring Global Opportunities

The world is constantly evolving, and with this evolution come countless opportunities for AI Robotics. As an investor, you have the chance to embark on an exciting journey that opens the doors to a rapidly growing global market. Here’s how you can explore these global opportunities with us:

Geographic Diversification: By investing in AI Robotics, you become part of a rapidly expanding company operating in various regions of the world. We have a presence in Europe, Africa, North America, and the Middle East, and we continue to expand. This geographic diversification reduces risks associated with reliance on a single market.

Active Participation: As a shareholder, you have a say in the direction AI Robotics will take on an international scale. Your investment helps shape our deployment strategy and influences our decisions to maximize our global impact.

Access to Growing Markets: Service robotics is experiencing growing demand worldwide. By investing, you gain privileged access to these expanding markets, including sectors such as hospitality, logistics, healthcare, and many others.

Key Role in Innovation: AI Robotics is a pioneer in robotics innovation. As an investor, you participate in the creation and development of groundbreaking solutions that are game-changers in various industries.

High Return Potential: International markets offer high return potential for investors. Our company’s global expansion can lead to a significant increase in the value of your investment.

Positive Societal Impact: By investing in AI Robotics, you support a company that brings positive change to the world. Our robots improve services, enhance operational efficiency, and contribute to creating a more sustainable future.

We’re excited to offer you the opportunity to be part of this exciting international adventure. As an investor, you join a global community that shares a common vision: revolutionizing service robotics on a global scale.

Investing in Global Success

At AI Robotics, we believe in investing in success on a global scale. Our bold vision is to revolutionize service robotics across the world, and we are looking for investors who share this vision to accompany us on this exciting journey. Here’s why investing in our global success is a great opportunity: A Growing Market: Service robotics is one of the fastest growing sectors in the world. Service robots find their place in various industries, from healthcare to catering to logistics. By investing in AI Robotics, you are an integral part of this growth. A Team of Experts: Our team is made up of experts in robotics, artificial intelligence, engineering and business management. Your investment builds on a solid foundation of knowledge and experience, which strengthens our ability to succeed on a global scale. Positive Societal Impact: By investing in AI Robotics, you contribute to technological advances that improve the lives of people and businesses around the world. Our robots provide concrete solutions to contemporary challenges, whether by improving healthcare, optimizing logistics or increasing operational efficiency. Geographic Diversification: Our growth strategy encompasses several regions around the world. By investing, you benefit from geographical diversification and reduce the risks associated with dependence on a single market. Access to International Opportunities: AI Robotics is exploring exciting international opportunities. As an investor, you have privileged access to these opportunities and can participate in our global expansion. High Return Potential: International markets offer high return potential for investors. By investing in our global success, you have the opportunity to realize significant gains. A Commitment to Innovation: Innovation is at the heart of everything we do. We are determined to push the boundaries of robotics and artificial intelligence. By investing, you are an integral part of this quest to create a better future. Investing in AI Robotics means investing in global success. We look forward to welcoming you to our community of engaged investors who are helping shape the future of service robotics around the world.

Your opportunity to invest in the future of service robotics is just a click away. Don't miss this unique chance to become a key player in our global success.